For providers entering the world of enabling technologies…

For providers entering the world of enabling technologies…

Start the SPARC of new services in your agency! AbilityTech has developed the Solution Provider and Resource Consultant (SPARC) agency partnership program to bring your agency into the supportive technology space without having to become a ‘tech expert’. AbilityTech will provide you with the expertise and knowledge you need to make it happen. In addition we will soon be providing certification credentials for key persons in your organization.

Solution Providers

Agencies that provide enabling and assistive technology solutions for their clients in order to improve outcomes, increase independence and enhance service delivery.

Resource Consulting

Identifying solutions is only the first step. Finding the right technology solution at the right price is very important. That is why AbilityTech provides access directly to their SPARC partner agencies which have been tested and found to be reliable while negotiating for the best possible price.

Coming soon…AbilityTech will be able to offer enabling technology courses and certifications as part of the SPARC program. These certifications will set you apart from the competition by highlighting your agencies expertise.

Start today!